Hurrah! I received my Klim Induction jacket and Klim gore-tex waterproof pants accident replacements back! And guess what – they weren’t just “repaired”, they gave me a BRAND NEW set!

Now, I’ve always been skeptical about “Lifetime Warranty” claims. But Regina Specialities – where I purchased the gear from – were extremely helpful in assisting with my accident warranty claim. As some of you may have known, I’ve had a recent high speed get-off on the NSHW on my BMW R1200GS. So bad was it that the bike is now a write-off. I am absolutely certain that having quality gear on me saved my life!

This is NOT a sponsored post. I purchased the Klim gears at retail prices with my own money. Klim makes quality gears that comes not only with a lifetime warranty, but also an accident replacement warranty. I was (un)fortunate enough to get to test their accident replacement claims, and have been very happy with how quickly I received the new Klim gears!
(P.S. Some of my own personal insurance claims haven’t even paid up yet!)
Well done KLIM and Regina Specialties!

Awesome, glad you are ok and bummer about the accident but great you have come out ok and will ride another day soon. Can I ask who you are insured bike with? Mine due and always good to hear good stories.
Thanks in advance
My 1200GS was insured with NTUC Income. 🙂
I just bought klim induction jacket from Regina.
So they do repair/ replace the jacket after accident ?
Do I need receipt to claim?
Regina Specialities is an authorised distributor of Klim gear in Singapore. They can assist with the accident gear guarantee. You should keep a copy of the receipt as proof of purchase.