First Post Lockdown Sunday Morning Ride

Skirting around the border of a restricted area.

It’s been almost 3 months since we’ve all been virtually imprisoned due to the Covid-19 pandemic. And I’ve not met my riding buddies in that same period of time. And since this was the first weekend since the Singapore government lifted the lockdown measures preventing social gathering, we took the chance to go for a ride!

Siu Hon practicing sliding around on the low traction environment

We all desperately needed a ride. Of course, being good citizens and residents of Singapore, we kept the group size to a maximum of 5.

Looking dirt-ready!
Posing for a photo.
Taking a short break.
Letting the bikes spend some time together – they haven’t met in a while. =P
Pretty happy with my Sertao.
Performing field diagnosis and repairs.
Wet, wet grass…
Stand up and go!
Taking another break.
Photo time!
Oogling at my Sertao
Riding up that little slippery slope.

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