07 Aug 2016, Sunday. I woke up this morning freezing under my sheets. And there was no air-conditioning! What happened was that I had turned the fan on last evening, and since the oscillation wasn’t working, it was pointed directly at me. The temperatures up here in Cameron Highlands dip to the low 20’s deg celcius at night, and can get quite cold.
I had initially planned to head towards Bukit Tinggi today – somewhere near Genting Highlands. I’m not sure if it was the cumulative toil of the journey or the descent, but when I got to the foot of Cameron Highlands, I felt really, really exhausted. Travelling on a fully luggage-loaded small cc motorcycle on a winding mountain pass is not fun. Also, my tires are reaching their end of life and I didn’t dare lean into the curve as much as I would have liked.
In this condition, I was certain that I wasn’t in the condition to make the climb up to Bukit Tinggi. So, I decided to head to Malacca instead.
I’ve been to Malacca (also known as Melaka in Malay) many times. At some 240km from Singapore, it’s near enough to make a day trip there, and I used to drive up to Malacca over the weekend and then back to Singapore on the same day.
Listed in 2008, Malacca is one of two historic cities in Malaysia listed in UNESCO. The other being George Town, where I was at a just 2 days back.
I suspect it must be the humidity and heat; or perhaps due to the ride down from Cameron Highlands; or maybe it’s the cumulative fatigue that has been building up over the past few weeks of travelling, I was feeling really, really, exhausted. So I went for a Thai massage – it cost TWICE as much here in Malaysia (50 MYR) as it is in Thailand (200 THB). But I really needed one.
I went back to my room and slept like a log. Having visited Malacca a few times before, I knew that I wasn’t missing much. Malacca is also near enough to Singapore that I’m almost certain I’ll re-visit again in the not-too-distance future.