Since I had to stay home due to the Covid-19 circuit breaker measures in place, and that I couldn’t ride, I decided to do a little bit of bike maintenance. I’ve not replaced the brake fluids on my G650GS Sertao since I purchased it about a year ago. And now with the DRZ in my stable, I thought I’d take the time to get the brake fluids replaced.

Since it was easier on the DRZ as there’s no ABS pump to deal with, I started with the Zee. Connected the bleeder valve kit to the brake bleed valve and started pumping away.
To be quite honest, I thought that the brake fluids in the DRZ didn’t look that bad. The previous owner (or one of her previous owners) must have flushed it before.

Now, working on the Sertao is a little bit more involved. Because the Sertao has an ABS system, the fluids in the ABS pump needs to be flushed too. To do this, you’ll need to cycle the ABS pump. And this calls for the use of the GS-911.

After performing the conventional pump-the-levers bleed, I had to cycle the ABS pumps on the Sertao so that it purges the old fluids in the pump and out into the brake lines.
And after cycling the ABS pumps a couple of times, I then did a conventional bleed once more to get rid of the old fluids that was previously inside the ABS pumps.

Done! Note to self – I probably need to get a little more diligent with brake fluid flushing.