What do 9 motorcycles – a Yamaha XJ6, a MaxSym 400i, a CB400 Super4, 3 CB400X, a BMW R1200RS, a NC750X and a Pulsar 200NS make? An AWESOME Sunday Morning Ride!
This week, we rode to Tg Sedili – the east coast of Kota Tinggi. Most of us have never been there before, and it looked like a great destination for a short Sunday Morning Ride.

We had a light breakfast at B-Point, got to know one another (many of us were meeting for the very first time), and started our ride at approximately 0750h.
Riding in the morning has its perks. The day has just started and the fog was just beginning to lift. The low hanging sun clothed the surrounding greenery in its warm golden glow. Greeted with Mother Nature’s amazing display of colours, every mile munched puts a smile on our faces.

At approximately 0915h, we saw a turn out spot that led us to the coastal beach, and decided to take a short break there.

And to those who are wondering how we got those amazing aerial shots, this is how it’s done – KP brought his drone along for the ride and got us those breathtaking shots from up above.

And just as we turned out from the parking lot, we spotted 2 armoured vehicles training in the area. They happened to have just emerged from cover and were traveling along the main road. We had some fun overtaking them. Thankfully, they didn’t think we were hostile and did not open fire at us. =P

Eh , Thats Chris the firemen from Simon Nunis WMLR group .
That guy sure ever pass by this place ah in one of his WMLR rides .
Nice! do u have a riding group in FB that people can join in? Looking to join riding trips like this but can’t find any people to go with. Will be great if you can share!
No I don’t. Maybe I should have one? =)
yeah, i think you should! I believe there are many out that are looking for riding trips like this occasionally. How do you find people to ride then?
Ermm… I don’t… I just ride. People find me. =P
Sometimes, I do solo trips. In fact, my best, furthest and longest trip was done solo. 49 days of me-time. Hahahah….