I think some of the best money spent is on training. After doing the Off Road Level 1 training 2 weeks back, I’m back for the Level 2 course this weekend.

During Level 1, we went through drills such bike balancing, braking, u-turns, and hill descents. My biggest fear was in that steep downhill descent. And I’m back this week to greet it face on – at Level 2 training.

In Level 2, we took things up a notch. On top of the basic drills, we picked up new skills such as brake slides, elephant turns, steeper downhill rides, uphill rides, riding over loose sand, sand recovery, and even motorcycle-to-motorcycle towing.

I wanna give a big shout-out to Tommy and Ashok for the wonder training programme. Also to Kumi and Soon Haur for most of these wonderful pics!
May I know who conducts this course? Sounds really interesting.
Tommy Lee from Route 55 Adventures! He’s an amazingly talented trainer! Check out his Level 1 course here: